Your Dashboard

The dashboard is your home in Maxwell. You can see your list of active loan files, along with key pieces of information about each file, like when the borrower last logged in, or if they have sent you any chat messages.



  1. Active/Closed/Archived tabs: These tabs help organize your loan files. Loan files start out in the Active tab, and stay there until they reach Closed status. At that point, you can find them on the Closed tab. Changing the status to Archived will move them to the tab of the same name. Archiving a file is useful if you had a borrower walk away from a loan, or if the borrower is putting off their home purchase for a while. 

  2. New Loan File button: Use this button to create a new loan file for a borrower. More info can be found here. 

  3. Documents To Review: This column shows you how many documents your borrower has uploaded that need your review. Though you can click on any column to sort, this is the default sort column on your dashboard, so the files that need review are always at the top of the list.

  4. Lender Menu: Your name appears in the upper right corner of your dashboard. Click here to access your lender profile (where you can change your personal information, password, and find your loan application web link), get help using Maxwell, or sign out.

  5. Dashboard Search: Use this search field to find loan files on your dashboard. The search field uses ‘fuzzy logic’ to help you find files (in other words you can search for Dave and find David)

  6. New Message Indicator: When borrowers send you a chat message in Maxwell, a blue message indicator will appear over the chat bubble on your dashboard.

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