Release Notes - October 2021

Week of October 25th


  • Updated APR calculations to account for proper Lending Fees, Lender Credits, and Discount Rates

LOLA Co-borrower Experience 

Limit to 1 Co-Borrower Per Loan 

  • Limit to 1 additional co-borrower to create a seamless end to end experience with the rest of POS application 

Notify Primary Borrower to Submit without Co-Borrower 

  • Some borrowers were apprehensive to submit their application without co-borrowers completing their information so we added some helper text on the borrower review page that their co-borrower will receive an invitation to complete the application.  

Primary Borrower can Fill out the Co-Borrower Application 

  • Created a button where the primary borrower can fill out the co-borrower portions of the application immediately after submitting their application. This is only in the cases of Joint co-borrowers where they have agreed to share application information. 

Auto-Team Assignments

We've updated the logic for our Auto-Team assignments.  Previously, if a Loan Officer in Maxwell was assigned a supporting role in the LOS on another pipeline, we would add the Manager role to that Loan Officer.  However, this gave the Loan Officer access to all of the loans in that pipeline, which cluttered up the Loan Officer's pipeline view.

We've rolled back this behavior while we consider other options for Loan Officers who are also supporting other pipelines in the LOS.  Today, Loan Officers will not automatically be assigned to the loans on other pipelines in Maxwell.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that allows a co-borrower that already has a Maxwell login to be added to a LOLA loan file. 
  • Miscellaneous cosmetic enhancements and improvements

Week of October 18th


  • Updated Desired Price filter to return more than one additional product result

Bug Fixes

  • Miscellaneous cosmetic enhancements and improvements

Week of October 11th

QuickPricer Enhancements 

  • Update QuickPricer Financed Closing costs calculations 
  • Fixed bug when PMI was not displaying in borrower scenario card
  • Removed $0 values from the monthly payment breakdown on the borrower card


  • Bashed minor bugs and UX issues 

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