Week of May 28th
Bug Fixes / Code Cleanup
- Added underlined distinctions on links to ensure visual distinctions that don't rely solely on color for colorblind accessibility compliance.
- Fixed various Docutech event and status issues
- Fixed several automation tests
- Fix various sentry issues
- Updated pipeline reassignment copy and pipeline reassignment alerts
Week of May 21st
E-Signature Enhancements
Added Document Label: We added a feature to add a document label so that an LO can specify the type of document that needs to be signed. e.g. Sign this Letter of Explanation or Sign this Borrower Authorization Form.

Added Sign Document Button for Loan Officers: When an LO signature is required for the document, we added a button that will appear directly on LO sub-task notification so it's easier for LOs to quickly sign a document task assigned to them.

Added Resend Notifications for non-borrower participants: For non-borrower participants who are assigned document tasks we have added a resend notification flow so Lenders can send reminders to sign a document to those participants do not receive the automated task reminder emails.

Business Channel Routing for Integra: For Integra (Epic) LOS customers we added the ability to route Loan Applications templates like HELOCs to the appropriate business channels you have set up in your LOS. Please contact help@himaxwell.com to set up the routing for your team.
Reissue borrower e-Consent if contact info changed in Encompass: If a borrower's first or last name or email address is changed by the LO in Encompass we will update the borrowers contact information in Maxwell AND revoke any initial e-Consent gathered in Maxwell and reissue a new e-Consent prompt in Maxwell to get a consent that matches the correct borrower contact ID.
Added Auto-Pipeline Reassignment From Encompass: When a loan file is reassigned between pipelines in Encompass it will automatically reassign to the corresponding pipeline in Maxwell. This feature is currently behind an organizational feature flag. If you want it enabled please reach out to your CSM.
Bugs / Code Cleanup
Pipeline Reassignment Bug Fixes:
- Fixed deselect behavior changing the primary “Reassign” button to “Reassign All Files”
- Fixed a bug where some files were not reassigning if multiple pipeline tables were opened
- Added an alert message if pipeline reassignment fails
Upgraded Byte LOS to V23.2
Template Routing for Org Hierarchy: Fixed a bug in template routing to account for Org hierarchy in multi-tiered organizations.
Connect to Plaid VOA via Mobile Device: Fixed an issue where borrowers using some mobile browsers were unable to open the Plaid modal to connect to their accounts for VOA pulls
Fixed Mobile Views on Lender Loan File Header
Removed Spanish Language Toggle from Lender Header
Added a rake task to delete orphaned Loan App Templates
Week of May 15th
Bulk Archive-

Bug Fixes / Code Cleanup
- Flag Non-Borrower Owners (NBOs) synced from Meridian Link Mortgage - We added an ability to identify NBOs imported from Meridian Link LOS (LQB) so that those users are not assigned Loan Applicaiton tasks and can be issued disclosure tasks.
- DocuSign Integration Message when Maxwell e-Sign Enabled - We disabled the DocuSign integration manager when org-level Maxwell e-Sign is enabled. Informs user to contact org admin if they need to manage the connection.
- QuickApply Employment Updates - Fixed a bug that prevented users from updating employment dates when employment fields were pre-populated by QuickApply.
- Upgraded Byte integration to v 23.2
- Fixed "&" bug in Org Display Name – Fixed an issue where HTML characters were appearing in org names that contained an & or other special characters in the user login screen.
- Accessibility Updates – Added unique IDs and proper labels for all form fields in loan application for visual impairment accessibility assistance. Also added valid autocomplete values.
- Updated Maxwell Logo in lender footer
Week of May 8th
Additional e-Sign Participants – Now lenders can add external participants (non-borrowers) like powers of attorney, relators relatives to document signature tasks. These participants will receive notifications directly from DocuSign to review and sign documents.

Monitor Signer Statuses in DocuSign Tasks – Now lenders can view/track document signature statuses underneath review and sign document tasks to see if which loan participants have not signed a documents.
Auto-Loan Imports (Encompass Only) - Loan Officers can now have loans automatically imported into the Maxwell Point-of-Sale when they are created or assigned to a known loan officer inside Encompass.
The experience mirrors the existing “Import from Encompass” options for manually adding a loan to Maxwell using the Encompass Loan Number or GUID:
- The loan is imported in the “Started” status by default, which means Borrowers will not receive any notifications upon import.
- Milestones will automatically update based on your organization's Encompass mapping. Milestone changes will also trigger automatic notifications for borrowers, per usual.
Loan Officers can enable Auto-Loan Import by going to their user dropdown > Settings > Integrations:
Bugs / Code Cleanup
- HELOC Smart Task – Resolved issue where Home Equity Line of Credit Statement tasks only creates when the answer to the secondary finance question is yes.
- Custom Consent Links – Changed it so that all links to external websites open on a new tab and do not redirect the borrower away from the loan application.
- Removed the word “county” from the end of county address fields – Removed the word county from being passed in the 3.4 and to the LOS which was causing errors in address fields.
- Updating External Loan ID – Fixed a bug that external loan ID was not updating on the lender loan file page without a page refresh.