Week of October 1st
Branch Support
We have added a new “Branch” filter to our Maxwell BI reports! This filter allows you to select the internal branch or organization of the loan. Branches are often used to distinguish geographic regions, teams and divisions, or other internal organizational characteristics.
Here's how it is defined, by Loan Origination System:
Encompass Definition |
MeridianLink Mortgage Definition |
A “Branch” is synonymous with an internal “Organization”. You can view your Organization structure by going to: Encompass > Settings > Company/User Setup > Organization/Users
Each folder within the “Organization” tree is a branch in Maxwell Mortgage Intelligence.
Loans are assigned a branch by the Organization of the Loan Officer assigned to the loan. |
A “Branch” is the value of the Branch Name field (id BranchNm). This is applied directly to the loan in MeridianLink Mortgage. |
Data Refresh Interval
We are now updating data in our data warehouse more frequently, moving from once per day to four-times per day:
- 2:00 AM MT (4:00 AM ET)
- 9:00 AM MT (11:00 AM ET)
- 12:00 PM MT (2:00 PM ET)
- 3:00 PM MT (5:00 PM ET)
NOTE: This is when the process begins. Time to actually refresh the data varies by the amount of data in each refresh, between 20-40 minutes.